YogaBugs School Clubs
What are the Benefits?
- Our Breakfast Clubs help children start the day in a positive way, giving them more focus for the day ahead
- Our Lunch Clubs are fantastic for targeted groups of children as additional emotional and physical support
- Our After School Clubs supports your school in offering a variety of sports and gives the opportunity to engage more children in sports

What is it?
YogaBugs clubs are available for children in reception to year 6; split into Early Years/Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Our clubs include a yoga warm up, breathing techniques, a fun adventure or theme and games.
As always our session will finish with some much needed relaxation and mindfulness.
What’s Involved?
Breakfast and after school clubs are 45 mins – 1 hour.
These clubs can be funded through pupil premium or or we can take bookings directly from parents through our state of the art booking system.
We have literature available to help promote the club in your school and we can offer a free interactive assembly to showcase the club to children and parents
Lunch clubs are for two groups of children, running 30 mins back to back and must be funded through the school.