SATs can be a particularly stressful time for children and staff members, but learning breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques can help keep everyone feel calm and more focussed over the exam period. SATs can be a particularly stressful time for children and staff members, but learning breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques can help keep everyone feel calm and more focussed over the exam period.

92% of schools increased their SATs results

Benefits for Children and Teachers

  • Improved SATs results due to more focused children
  • Children and teachers will be more prepared for SATs
  • Children and teachers will learn techniques to help them cope with stress & anxiety
  • Children will be able to focus for longer periods
  • Children will have more confidence to try and give their best answers
  • Teachers will feel less anxious, which in turn helps de-stress the classroom environment
  • Children’s behaviour is better in the classroom and on the playground
  • Children and teachers have better logical thinking
  • Children and teacher’s motivation is inspired by positive thinking and changing the ‘mindset’


What is it?

YogaBugs virtual SATs Preparation course can be run with Year 6 groups to help children and teachers deal with any stress, anxiety, or other mental health conditions they may face in the build up to SATs exams.

In modern society, children and teachers can feel pressures from a number of forces, including parents, peers, themselves and schools, to perform to a high level in exams – SATs Preparation courses teach children and teachers breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques to help develop their mindfulness and focus on blocking out stress and anxiety.

What is involved?

YogaBugs virtual SATs Preparation course includes a detailed 6-week plan with discussion points for teachers, relaxation techniques & breathing exercises, and classroom & hall space yoga sessions. The last week of the programme focusses on relaxation which is great to run during SATs week.

Kids school yoga