
“YogaBugs Virtual is helping children to regulate their emotions and be ready to learn and we have noticed a big difference in the classroom.”
Julie Quick- North Crescent Primary School

“YogaBugs has had an immediate impact on our readiness to learn in the afternoons, as well as supporting the wellbeing of the children and staff..”
Kim Hartford, Deputy Head, Ridgeway Infant School, Derbyshire

“The children have developed a good level of concentration and are much more focused than they were when we first started using YogaBugs. Their behaviour has improved.”
Lizzie Jackson, Amble First School, Northumberland

“YogaBugs Virtual reduces anxiety for the children as the programme is consistent for the children as they develop through the years”
Kerry Taylor, Churchill Park School

“We like that there is classroom yoga, brain breaks and hall-based yoga sessions that link to curriculum topics and it has a nice link between both PSHE & P.E.”
Heidi Andrews, St Mary’s Academy

“We purchased this programme using sports premium money, but it is so much more than sports! It is also hitting areas of mindfulness & SEMH within our school. It has been more than worth the money!”
Helen Goulder, Croughton All Saints Primary School

“As a result of implementing YogaBugs we have seen an increase in concentration, confidence and engagement in learning. All children, no matter of their ability, can fully engage and you can hear the cheer from the children when they know it’s YogaBugs time.”
Wendy Walters, Rudston Primary School

“Feedback from both children and parents has been very positive. YogaBugs allows our children to engage in physical activity whilst also focussing on mental health & wellbeing.”
Sonya Black, Throston Primary School

“The children love YogaBugs virtual and follow the process really well with it being a teacher on the screen. We have found that when doing the sessions, the children are not as reliant on the staff, which gives both the staff and pupils a short break. We have found the school portal really easy to use, and it is nicely signposted. With a cinematic approach. We like that the relaxation and warm up sessions are separate from the main classes on the portal because it allows us to utilise them throughout the day. The relaxation sessions are a great way to refocus the children when they need it at different times of the day. The sun salutation is great for stretching and our school physio has found this really helpful with our children, and we have seen an improvement in flexibility. We have seen concentration improve, more of our children can follow the classes now from when we first began them. Concentration has improved in the classroom since using these sessions, which therefore is improving behaviour. This programme can be embedded into the curriculum which makes it sustainable for the school. We did not find the programme overpriced and it has a lot of content, not only for the children but our staff as well! The fact that the programme has an area which focussing on the parents was a positive to us purchasing the programme. ”
Amy Baxter- Assistant Head Carlton Digby Special School

“This is timetabled after lunchtime play and supports physical literacy, exploring the link further between physical and mental well-being. Staff report that pupils are fully engaged within sessions and note continued improvements in the pupils’ core strength, balance and co-ordination as well as their ability to use strategies to improve well-being e.g. techniques to reduce anxiety. Staff report pupils are more ready to engage with their next lesson.!”
Gary Hilton, Berwick St Marys First School
“We have worked with YogaBugs for a number of years now, when we heard about the new Virtual Packages that was being offered, we knew this was something we wanted to get on board with, so that we could offer this opportunity to many more of our families. Teachers have also been using the resources with children in school and have commented on the level of enjoyment and engagement shown by all. They have been particularly impressed with how the sessions develop a sense of calm and relaxation by the end which in turn then has a positive impact on children’s ability to focus on their learning.”
Kim Hartford, Deputy Head, Ridgeway Infant School, Derbyshire

“I am very happy with the programme so far. It is allowing us to offer P.E. sessions in the limited space of our classrooms for the children in school and providing quality sessions for our home learners that are easy to use in their houses. The children were dubious at first as it is something different but after 2 sessions they have become extremely enthusiastic and engaged and determined to develop their expertise. It is noticeable that already they are much more confident in the poses and exercises.”
Fleetwood Lane Primary School Mark Eggleton – PE Lead/Yr 6 teacher
“We love YogaBugs! With the staff and children’s mental health being under increased strain at the moment due to the lockdown it is great to know we are delivering high quality sessions to improve their wellbeing in these difficult times.“
Rachael Cotton, Head Teacher, Fleet Wood Lane School

“We have found that our children have responded really well to the virtual teacher and have a real connection with them. The portal is really easy to use and user friendly. All of the sessions are easy to access. We have found the sound quality good even in a school hall and we were impressed by the sharpness of the sessions on a interactive whiteboard. We were able to slot the sessions into our timetable with ease, especially as we had made SEMH a priority in our school returning from COVID. The programme has allowed us to identify those children who were super anxious. Our teachers have seen greater flexibility in our pupils, and their ability to sit and listen, along with concentration in the class room has improved greatly. We purchased this programme using sports premium money, but it is so much more than sports! It is also hitting areas of mindfulness and SEMH within our school. It has been more than worth the money! I feel that we are getting back on track as a school and YogaBugs has been a massive part of that! ”
Helen Goulder- Headteacher Croughton All Saints CE Primary School

We started using YogaBugs in January 2021 to support our blended learning approach in school. The virtual aspect means that we can follow lessons with the children in school and also allows children who are working from home, to experience the same lesson at exactly the same time as their class mates. It is important for us to ensure that all our children feel that they are experiencing the same lessons as their peers. Feedback from both children and parents has been very positive. YogaBugs allows our children to engage in physical activity whilst also focussing on mental health and wellbeing.”
Sonya Black, Deputy Head, Throston Primary School, Hartlepool.

“YogaBugs has provided us with a great platform to support the children with emotional wellbeing while working remotely. The site has lots of resources and activities to try with children, staff and parents“
Mrs Sarah McGreevy, Acting Head