YogaBugs Virtual - Scotland

A digital platform created to support primary schools with mental health & wellbeing, through yoga & mindfulness.

YogaBugs Virtual will support Scottish schools with Health and Wellbeing curriculum targets in the areas of mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

With children’s mental health on the rise, it is more important than ever for early intervention in schools. YogaBugs Virtual teaches children fundamental skills to deal with stress and anxiety and coping strategies they will have for life.

For a completely FREE 7 day trial of  YogaBugs Virtual; complete the form and we’ll be in touch.

What are the benefits to the children?

  • Help children manage their emotions – through mindfulness techniques

  • Improve listening skills and concentration – through balancing poses

  • Build children’s self-esteem – through a non-competitive activity

  • Improve children’s behaviour – through mindfulness techniques

  • Improve children’s balance, coordination & core strength – through a range of yoga poses

  • Children will feel calm & relaxed – through breathing, relaxation and visualisations techniques

What are the benefits to the school?

  • Teachers will learn techniques to manage stress – through workshops videos and mindfulness resources

  • Help towards achieving Health & Wellbeing and PE targets

  • Teachers will learn mindfulness techniques to teach the children – through a number of resources and online training

  • No yoga experience needed to run a class – no need to budget extra money

  • An Affordable & sustainable way to support children’s & staff mental health – it’s virtual, so we are able to make it much cheaper

YogaBugs is a digital platform allowing you to deliver yoga and mindfulness for everyone in your school. Teachers will have access to 120 videos, mindfulness resources, training and more.

Classes for children in P1 are delivered through exciting stories and traditional tales.

P2 & P3 are delivered through exciting stories and adventures that link to educational topics – keeping children engaged as they act out the story through yoga.

For children in P4-P7 we deliver the sessions through educational themes whilst teaching children about their bodies and what they can achieve through yoga.

Classes are fun, engaging, and interactive, with discussion points where the YogaBugs teacher will pass back to your teacher for the children to answer questions about the story/theme.

Platform Contents:

YogaBugs is a story based interactive class that uses the power of imagination, where children can go on adventures around the world, play with animals and learn about the amazing history of our universe.
  • 120 YogaBugs classes
  • 10-minute classroom yoga sessions
  • Links to educational themes
  • 1000’s mindfulness activities
  • Relaxation sessions

It’s not only the children who can benefit from thinking about their own wellbeing. YogaBugs teacher’s portal is designed to take all the best wellbeing bits of our children’s programme and transfer it into more adult based activities.


  • Mental health awareness training
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Adult and Chair yoga sessions
  • Relaxation sessions

Being fully inclusive YogaBugs wants to involve the parents where we could, allowing us to bridge the gap between home and school.


    • Mental Health Awareness Training
    • Adult yoga classes
    • Relaxation Sessions
    • Access to all children’s YogaBugs sessions