YogaBugs has been successfully working with schools for over 20 years, teaching yoga and mindfulness to children and teachers across the UK. We offer PE classes within school with a teacher or with pre-recorded sessions as part of YogaBugs Virtual.
What Are The Benefits?
Children progress through their PE targets of flexibility, agility, coordination and balance and your school will also notice a considerable difference in children’s behaviour and listening skills.

What Is It?
Cross Curricular Learning through Stories
Using stories, imagination and themes to engage children, they become very focused in every session and have an opportunity for cross curricular learning. Many of our stories for KS1 and Early Years are based on key text, such as the Grufallo and The 3 Little Pigs or our own adventures to the jungle or outer space.
For KS2, we use themes which will educate children about their bodies, their muscles and what they can achieve. Again we use curriculum topics such as ‘The Solar System’ and ‘The Environment’ to enhance the learning experience. Children will be challenged both emotionally and physically.
Whether you are looking for our sessions to cover your teacher’s PPA time or for your class teacher to learn from us, we guarantee we will support your school in achieving your goals.
What’s Involved?
- Children take part in a yoga warm up and full adventure or theme
- Every class includes breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques to help children feel calm and deal with their emotions
- Our PE programmes take a whole school approach with the children at the centre of everything we do
- We deliver our programme for a minimum of 2 hours per week for 10 -30 weeks.
- This classes can be split into 4 x 30 mins, 3 x 40 mins or 2 x 1 hour sessions – giving you the flexibility to work with a number of different age groups.
- Every child will receive a certificate at the end of each term

YogaBugs programmes can be funded through sports premium or pupil premium.